Sunday, September 29, 2013

Samsung eye movement

Summary: Recently, smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy S4 have come equipped with optical sensors that track users' eye movements, and scroll or pause text and images accordingly. Now, a similar approach is being employed on tablet-based training software. Theoretically, if users look away from the training program to check their e-mail or phone messages (or watch a cat video on YouTube), the session will stop and wait until they return. The ability to hold off on running the firehose of information if a user gets distracted is an interesting concept.
Major Concepts
·         But learning is not always an intensively focused process -- some people need to pause regularly to reflect on the information they have just learned.
·         For some, having a machine nag them to get back to the course of study may be more of a concentration killer than an enabler.
·         it could even evoke flashbacks of that mean elementary school teacher who snapped at you every time you lifted your head up from your books.

Potential Strengths

·         Mindflash, which is marketing the online training solution, calls the new capability the "look-away feature."
·         As the company puts it: FocusAssist monitors trainee attention and pauses a training course in the Mindflash application when trainees look away.
·         "Organizations concerned about trainee distraction and compliance during self-paced remote training can now have greater confidence that critical information is being reviewed and understood," Mindflash says.

Potential Problems

·         The computer-vision solution was developed by Stanford University Ph.D.s and founders ofSension, maker of computer vision technologies.
·         Mindflash for iPad is the first implementation of this technology for corporate e-learning.

Discussion Questions
·         Will this improve employee training?
·         Is this too aggressive?

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