Monday, September 9, 2013

DNP Nissan Nismo smartwatch

DNP Nissan Nismo smartwatch

DNP Nissan Nismo smartwatch
Nissan's new watch called the "Nissan Nismo" became a huge hit after it released. Nissan nismo, is a watch that can be compatable with a car, You can use the watch as a smart phone. It allows you to use applications such as facebook, twitter, instagram. It also has the bassic functions of a watch. This 

Major concepts 
- The watch uses bluetooth,It connects the watch and the phone to the car. This allows the car to send data to the watch
-you are aware of the surroundings while driving, it becomes easier for you to know or be warned on the upcoming terrain 
- You can share your speed or heart rate in correlation to the cars speed on Facebook, twitter, or instagram.

Potential strength
-The watch can alert you about any dangers that lie ahead 
-the battery life can last over a week which makes it convinient for the drivers
-it lets the driver better understand how he reacts with the car

Potential Weaknesses
-this feature is only avalaible for one car in nissan and it's really expesive
-some functions of the watch aren't necessary like twitter, who would actually tweet the speed or your car?
- this is a product mostly for men, but it looks like a female accessory  

Why do you think Nissan took this big leap
Do you think people will use all of it's functions?

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