Monday, March 24, 2014


After long waited time, they finally announced it. Instead of making it look like he left the franchise, they are going to continue to have him in the 7th movie of FF, and what better way to do so than to use technology. CGI commonly known as computer generated imagery, is the main technology the movie will be made up on. Of corse they have actors who have the same body build as him to do some of the scenes, but the voices and face will be topped on it. With hard work and complex movie editing, they set the release date on April 10, 2015. Although F&F will never be the same without him, he will always be remembered RIP Paul Walker :'(

Major Concepts:
1. I think the idea of continuing the movie with the same character not only shows how much love there is in the movie set and how they wont give up one person.
2. The advancement of technology is enabling this to happen, and even though it takes a lot of time and patience to do the editing, it's turn out to be really good.
3. I think the idea of using his voice and face will really benefit the quality of the movie, since it will give us the feeling that it is really him acting.

Potential Strengths
1. The movie will continue even after the loss of one of the greatest's ever, they are trying hard and will continue to do so until the series comes to an end.
2. This new movie shows a great deal of sophisticated technology which can show how much technology can be used and how advanced it can get.

Potential Weakness
1. Even though they will try their best and i'm sure it'll be good, but it'll never be the same without him. With all the special effect in F&F 6 i think that there was too much, but now with his loss they will have to add in more effects and it'll be hard.
2.  The team will need to have to same person, due to the strong bond between everyone, and plus Vin Diesel's wing man was Paul walker, and they have strong bond. It'll be hard for him to act naturally with a "stranger"

Discussion Questions
1. How do they crop only his face?
2. Why don't they just end the movie with his death.


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