Thursday, January 30, 2014

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year, this year, the year of the horse.  In this assignment, i used photo shop and in design. I used Photoshop to create the background and the horse. Then i saved that document. After that i used In Design to add the text "Happy Chinese new year". This is the final product.  Happy Chinese new year. :)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Bollywood Holiday

This is how I spent my holiday. We first went to Goa, then Delhi for a cricket match, Sri Lanka where we celebrated our New Years and then finally we came back to Thailand. I will share  my experiences.I never had such a great time with my friends. If i could go back and relive those moments i would. Although there were flaws in the trip, i wouldn't go back and change it, because it was those moments where we realized how creative our minds could get. I hope you enjoy reading my Prezi presentation. :