Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Google Glass, Are we Living in the Future World?

Kelly Spencer, uses this new wearable technology to identify, the flight number, date of flight, time of departure, time of landing, and even car plate number, just by looking at the boarding pass. This advanced technology is not only fast and sleek, but it is very efficient as well. This age is just a dawn to technological advances. With this new glass people can do amost everything they need to with just the touch of a button. "We're waiting for the day where Google Glass is on everyone, just like hot iPhone is" Says Google reporter, who is testing this new wearable technology

Major Concepts:

  1. This new wearable technology, is light, portable and always in your face. It can see what others are up to, and it's basically like a smart phone
  2. It is easier to identify a fraud, looking at the person's boarding card, you will be able to notice what flight, time, destination, and even number plate.
  3. It's helpful to people who use it, you can use it to capture moments, that your eyes can see, it gives you a better understanding of your surroundings, and can even save life's.

Potential Strengths

  1. It is small, compact, and easy to use.
  2. It speeds up immigration and security checks.

Potential Problem
  1. It's easy to find out about other people easily.
  2. People feel unsafe around people with glasses.

Discussion Quessies
  1. Can it be further simplified, or possibly make it into contacts?
  2. Can it be used during war?


Thursday, April 24, 2014



What Is Heartbleed?

Heartbleed is a security bug in the open source SSL. It is mostly used to over reed the internet's transport Layer Security. On April 1, 2014 they decided to fis the OpenSSL, and on the same day heartbleed was disclosed. During the time at which heartbleed started to gain it's name, over half a millions of the internet's secure web certified sites, had been attacked, which allowed these hackers to get to the users cookies and passwords. Basically what a program is, is that fixed amount of codes. Ex: [101001]. What heartbleed does is basically over flow the sprogram code like this "[101001]1001001010100011101010101101010101101" This makes the system malfunction and do whatever the certain code does. This makes it very easy for hackers to enter the system and take information away from it.

How did it happen?
The bug was discovered by a Google researcher who was situated in Finland. It happened, by one simple task, over running the system. When this happens the sysytem starts to malfunction, allowing the hacker to enter the site. Lets take and example of facebook. Once facebook gets over run, the hacker will enter, and get all your private details. He will then use that information to get advantage, he'll use that identity to hack others, and rob you.

Who Got Affected By Heartbleed?

What Happened to Them?
In most cases, cyber criminals, hackers, and other types of people commit cyber theft, by getting all the information you have, and stealing, robbing you from it.

How To Prevent It or Recover From It?
Since  it is an OpenSSL, once it has entered your software, it is almost inevitable to get rid of it. But to prevent it from getting to you, there are two basic methods. Most of the old software and programs, websites are not properly protected due to it's outdated system. So one method is to re install or update the system so that the security is able to cope up with the current SSL. Another method is to delete the account and remake it so that the bug has gone from your account.

What Did You Learn From It?
I learnt that this bug can attack almost anywebsite that is not securely protected, and that heartbleed is a security bug in the open source SSL. It is mostly used to over reed the internet's transport Layer Security.

"The Bleeding Hearts Club: Heartbleed Recovery for System Administrators." Electronic Frontier Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. . <https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2014/04/bleeding-hearts-club-heartbleed-recovery-system-administrators>.

Swanson, Emily. "Most Americans Haven't Even Checked To See If They Were Affected By Heartbleed." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 21 Apr. 2014. Web. . <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/04/21/heartbleed-bug-poll_n_5175663.html>.

"Use this tool to find out if the sites you visit were affected by Heartbleed, and when they’ll be fixed." The Daily Caller. N.p., n.d. Web. . <http://dailycaller.com/2014/04/14/use-this-tool-to-find-out-if-the-sites-you-visit-were-affected-by-heartbleed-and-when-theyll-be-fixed/>.

"Websites affected by Heartbleed: Change your Gmail, Facebook and Yahoo passwords right now - Tech2." Tech2. N.p., n.d. Web. . <http://tech.firstpost.com/news-analysis/websites-affected-by-heartbleed-change-your-gmail-facebook-and-yahoo-passwords-right-now-221526.html>.

Monday, March 24, 2014


After long waited time, they finally announced it. Instead of making it look like he left the franchise, they are going to continue to have him in the 7th movie of FF, and what better way to do so than to use technology. CGI commonly known as computer generated imagery, is the main technology the movie will be made up on. Of corse they have actors who have the same body build as him to do some of the scenes, but the voices and face will be topped on it. With hard work and complex movie editing, they set the release date on April 10, 2015. Although F&F will never be the same without him, he will always be remembered RIP Paul Walker :'(

Major Concepts:
1. I think the idea of continuing the movie with the same character not only shows how much love there is in the movie set and how they wont give up one person.
2. The advancement of technology is enabling this to happen, and even though it takes a lot of time and patience to do the editing, it's turn out to be really good.
3. I think the idea of using his voice and face will really benefit the quality of the movie, since it will give us the feeling that it is really him acting.

Potential Strengths
1. The movie will continue even after the loss of one of the greatest's ever, they are trying hard and will continue to do so until the series comes to an end.
2. This new movie shows a great deal of sophisticated technology which can show how much technology can be used and how advanced it can get.

Potential Weakness
1. Even though they will try their best and i'm sure it'll be good, but it'll never be the same without him. With all the special effect in F&F 6 i think that there was too much, but now with his loss they will have to add in more effects and it'll be hard.
2.  The team will need to have to same person, due to the strong bond between everyone, and plus Vin Diesel's wing man was Paul walker, and they have strong bond. It'll be hard for him to act naturally with a "stranger"

Discussion Questions
1. How do they crop only his face?
2. Why don't they just end the movie with his death.


Monday, March 10, 2014

Hijack or Plane Crash; MH730 Still Remains a Mystery

"Flight MH730 left Kuala Lumpur for Beijing at 00:41 local time on Saturday (16:41 GMT on Friday). But radio contact was lost at 17:30 GMT, somewhere between Malaysia and Vietnam." says BBC. More than 3 days have past since the Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777-200ER has been reported missing. There has been no evidence or wreckage debris.

Major concepts
1.The flight had been turned before it had lost contact.
2. No debris or possible wreckage found off the coast of Vietnam and  no visuals.
3. More than 259 people on board the flight, including 10-15 kids.
4. They have identified 2 fake passports that have been used in this flight

Vietnamese helicopter prepares to join search, Phu Quoc (10 March 2014)

Potiental Strengths
1. More than 90 motorized vehicles are searching for any signs of the plane.
2. 40 Ships and 45 Aircraft were sent from 9 different nations
3. Passengers on the flight came from 14 different nationalities

Potential Weakness
1. "Officials say they still have no idea what went wrong."
2. The flight MH370 has turned it's route before getting off the radar 
3. No debris or any form of wreckage was found that linked to the plane around that area

1. What do you assume happened?
2. Why would someone or something caused this?

Monday, February 17, 2014

Flappy Bird Gets Banned

Flappy Bird

Flappy Bird is a 2013 mobile game widely known for its difficulty level. It was developed in Hanoi by Vietnam-based developer named Dong Nguyen. It was published by .GEARS Studios, a small, independent game developer also based in Vietnam. The game, which was released on May 24, 2013, was removed from both Apple's App Store and Google Play by its creator on February 10, 2014.

Major Concepts:
1.It contains more than 900 levels, the person will keep playing until he or she beats their new high score. 
2. The game does not take up a lot of space so it can be played many times without erasing memory.
3.It causes a lot of people to rage quit and it brings up the stress level when you are unable to complete your high score.
1.It has over 900 levels which make it a really hard game to play.
2.It can get very addictive and is good for pass time .

1. A huge distraction and can get addicted really easily.
2. The poles that we have to go through are copied from Mario.

 1. How many hours do you spend playing?
 2. What is your highest score?

N.p., n.d. Web.
BBC News. BBC, 14 Feb. 2014. Web. 17 Feb. 2014.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Google collaborates with Lego to form online Lego game :D

Lego blocks :)
Lego, one of the most famous toys of our world. But is it still? With so much technology these days, kids don't play with ordinary toys anymore. A normal "toy" in a kids life today is a device, for example, an iPad/iPod, psp/3 or even mobile phones. With so much technology, it's hard for companies to sell their toys, because kids wont even look at them, they run straight to the electronics. When i was a kid Lego was one of the most interesting things to play with, it was fun because you can make whatever you want. The only problem with is was that you cant keep it, it can break, and if you step on it....well....you'd die :). So basically what Google did was that they collaborated with Lego called "Build with Chrome". With this new idea, you don't have to worry about loosing your work, loosing pieces, and you don't have to worry about stepping on pieces

Major Concepts
1.Since the game is an online based game, it is easy, you can save your work and you have unlimited pieces, you don't have to hunt for pieces to find it, nor do you have to search for the color you want, this one is already assigned.
2. You can easily place pieces when ever you want to, and it makes it easier since you don't need to worry about loosing the pieces or putting it in the right place after demolishing it.
3. It makes it easier for kids since they are constantly on their gadgets, and they don't have to waste money.

1.You don't have to go through the difficult task of rebuilding your work, you can choose the colors you want to build.
2.With this new idea, you don't have to worry about loosing your work, loosing pieces, and you don't have to worry about stepping on pieces.

1. It would be  hard because if you try and place a piece on the board you cant see it from all the perspectives, you have to change it every time you add a piece..
2. It takes a very long time to build because you need to keep changing the point of view.

How many of you would spend more than 1 hour building this?
How will it help if it's free...?

N.p., n.d. Web.
Build: A Chrome Experiment with LEGO®." YouTube. YouTube, 28 Jan. 2014. Web. 18 Feb. 2014.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year, this year, the year of the horse.  In this assignment, i used photo shop and in design. I used Photoshop to create the background and the horse. Then i saved that document. After that i used In Design to add the text "Happy Chinese new year". This is the final product.  Happy Chinese new year. :)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Bollywood Holiday

This is how I spent my holiday. We first went to Goa, then Delhi for a cricket match, Sri Lanka where we celebrated our New Years and then finally we came back to Thailand. I will share  my experiences.I never had such a great time with my friends. If i could go back and relive those moments i would. Although there were flaws in the trip, i wouldn't go back and change it, because it was those moments where we realized how creative our minds could get. I hope you enjoy reading my Prezi presentation. :
