Sunday, September 29, 2013

Understanding Search and Ethics

This Power point is about understanding the basics of Search Ethics. Out group found information online by using the proper form of searching. We gathered all this information into a document. We then assigned each person to s specific task and gave that person a task. My task was finding what ethics is and what it means. I found information from Google and i also found additional information using videos from YouTube. We then came together after school and worked collaboratively to form a good and solid presentation and we also went through it a few times so we are familiar with the content in it. After all the hard work this is the final product :))

Samsung eye movement

Summary: Recently, smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy S4 have come equipped with optical sensors that track users' eye movements, and scroll or pause text and images accordingly. Now, a similar approach is being employed on tablet-based training software. Theoretically, if users look away from the training program to check their e-mail or phone messages (or watch a cat video on YouTube), the session will stop and wait until they return. The ability to hold off on running the firehose of information if a user gets distracted is an interesting concept.
Major Concepts
·         But learning is not always an intensively focused process -- some people need to pause regularly to reflect on the information they have just learned.
·         For some, having a machine nag them to get back to the course of study may be more of a concentration killer than an enabler.
·         it could even evoke flashbacks of that mean elementary school teacher who snapped at you every time you lifted your head up from your books.

Potential Strengths

·         Mindflash, which is marketing the online training solution, calls the new capability the "look-away feature."
·         As the company puts it: FocusAssist monitors trainee attention and pauses a training course in the Mindflash application when trainees look away.
·         "Organizations concerned about trainee distraction and compliance during self-paced remote training can now have greater confidence that critical information is being reviewed and understood," Mindflash says.

Potential Problems

·         The computer-vision solution was developed by Stanford University Ph.D.s and founders ofSension, maker of computer vision technologies.
·         Mindflash for iPad is the first implementation of this technology for corporate e-learning.

Discussion Questions
·         Will this improve employee training?
·         Is this too aggressive?

Thursday, September 26, 2013

India Video

Hi, this is my video about india. My partner and I worked on this project not only by finding information off the net, we also talked and interviewed other people. We searched for people who strongly follow Indian culture and asked them questions and their opinion about indian culture. After collecting information from people we then searched for information off the net. We made this power point to show the class about indian culture. To make the video i just added a song called "tuje mein rub dika ta hain" in the beginning then added a YouTube video in it. Then i posted it on YouTube so everyone can see.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


This is all you need to know about india. My partner and I worked on this project not only by finding information off the net, we also talked and interviewed other people. We searched for people who strongly follow Indian culture and asked them questions and their opinion about indian culture. After collecting information from people we then searched for information off the net. We made this power point to show the class about indian culture. We also used a few examples we found from movies. we had 2 videos showcasing traditional Bollywood dance and one showcasing Indian rap. We took almost 3 days of hard work to finish this. I hope you like it :)))

Monday, September 9, 2013

DNP Nissan Nismo smartwatch

DNP Nissan Nismo smartwatch

DNP Nissan Nismo smartwatch
Nissan's new watch called the "Nissan Nismo" became a huge hit after it released. Nissan nismo, is a watch that can be compatable with a car, You can use the watch as a smart phone. It allows you to use applications such as facebook, twitter, instagram. It also has the bassic functions of a watch. This 

Major concepts 
- The watch uses bluetooth,It connects the watch and the phone to the car. This allows the car to send data to the watch
-you are aware of the surroundings while driving, it becomes easier for you to know or be warned on the upcoming terrain 
- You can share your speed or heart rate in correlation to the cars speed on Facebook, twitter, or instagram.

Potential strength
-The watch can alert you about any dangers that lie ahead 
-the battery life can last over a week which makes it convinient for the drivers
-it lets the driver better understand how he reacts with the car

Potential Weaknesses
-this feature is only avalaible for one car in nissan and it's really expesive
-some functions of the watch aren't necessary like twitter, who would actually tweet the speed or your car?
- this is a product mostly for men, but it looks like a female accessory  

Why do you think Nissan took this big leap
Do you think people will use all of it's functions?