Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Classroom Rules

ICT Classroom Rules Poster
By: Nitin

Listed above are the 12 most important things to follow in Mr. Pete's ICT class. We, in partners, made rules to follow, out of all the rules that we made we voted on the two best. The class of  10-A got more votes. With that set of rules we had to customize it using text boxes and different fonts and texts. Then after editing the rules, we then added pictures to each rule so it becomes more visible and not too boring. This is how we got from 12 sets of rules to individually designed posters

Thursday, August 15, 2013



Facebook, Skype, twitter, these are only few the most popular socializing websites. More than 1 billion people using these sites. Little do they know how dangerous it can be. But why, you might ask? Many reasons for sure, but the most important reason can lead to death. To most people it may sound stupid and unrealistic, but putting all your personal information on Facebook or Skype or any other chatting site. There are creepy people out there, people like pedophiles, rapists, kidnappers. Do you have any idea how easy it is for them to find out about you? They make fake accounts and add you. And with experience comes the knowledge of how to convince you. They can find you in no time, and with no other way to say this, you’ll basically die. Now what if you go around posting pictures of you half naked, wont people find out how you really are. Think about your reputation. Sure it might seem “cool” now but 10 years from now what will people think about you. Colleges, jobs they all look at your background before they take you, and if they find your profile all full of junk, do you have any chance of getting in? NO! Boom there, future ruined.  Now I’m sure you guys have been using Facebook or whatever for long enough to figure that there is a little button below the name which says “report”. Oh yeah now you remember. It’s there for a reason, and it’s practically self-explanatory. You report if people are being creepy, that’s one way to be safe. Another way is, just don’t put all your info on Facebook. The truth is, no one cares if you’re going to a mall, no one cares if you’re eating at the most expensive restaurant, and the only good thing that might come out from that is self-confidence. But if you do, it won’t be hard for people to track you down. My advice stay safe before you’re sorry. It’s not hard. Stay safe from internet before it catches you. J

These two videos explain a lot about the effects of internet security"